*now playing*


Tom Petty, Runnin’ Down a Dream

Tom Petty was a giant in life and he’ll remain so in death. He leaves a songbook, a legacy, that future musicians, historians and fans will pour over, generations from now.


Outlander REWIND “Of Lost Things”

 by Kat Bittner Have I mentioned I have a weakness for brainy bearded brunets? (What? That’s the masculine form of the word.) So I had a fangirl squee moment,  seeing Roger MacKenzie in the opening of episode four “Of Lost Things”. He, Brianna, and Claire are playing history detective, trying to locate where Jamie went after the Battle of Culloden. They find his name among a list of prisoners in Ardsmuir. Roger sees this as a reason to have a victory drink him with Brianna, but Claire wants to find out what happened to Jamie after prison… …which smoothly transitions to the Downton… Read more »


You Are Watching a Band Called The Maine

You’re standing in a small venue. People milling about, chatting or ordering another drink at the sticky bar while everyone waits impatiently for the band to come out. The excitement is palpable. It’s nothing unusual—isn’t this what a pre-concert venue always looks like?—but what’s different is the band you’re waiting for. A band of five dudes from Arizona, a band called The Maine. If you talk to any The Maine fan, one of the most frequent adjectives you’ll hear (apart from “super-awesome-I-love-them-so-much”) is “hard-working”. And rightfully so; not only are they constantly putting out new music, they’re also almost always… Read more »


Pitch A Tent and Go “Reel Big Fish”

It’s not all fun and games being in a ska band… Okay, maybe there is a lot of fun involved, but there’s also long nights of touring, a noise no headphones could cancel, and fear of being eaten alive in a tent—before we get to that, though, let’s introduce the world’s most skankin’ ska band, Reel Big Fish.


What We Think: Brand New Say Goodbye(?)

Brand New has caused yet more speculation by announcing their (possible) farewell in 2018 via some merch—and quite understandably, there’ve been mixed reactions from fans, and a whole lot of confusion.


idobi Fanuary: Rise Of The Superfan

This month, idobi is celebrating our awesome fans—you guys! But our staff writers have been known to embrace their inner super-fangirl from time to time, too. Whether it’s defacing public places with lyrics or dropping everything to fly to another country to see a favorite band play, we’ve all been superfans in our own way. In the spirit of Fanuary, we’ve decided to share a few times we let our music fandom shine.


Tuesday Ten: Musician Mugshots

While Lil Wayne has, to the best of my knowledge, spent around 70% of his career so far behind bars, you don’t need to share his level of passion for drugs and weapon possession to end up in an orange jumpsuit. In this week’s Tuesday Ten, we look at some of the other crimes that have landed musicians behind the ever-so-flattering lens of the mugshot camera.

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