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Marianas Trench Makes it Happen in Threes

Mike Ayley speaks with the same passion you would expect from a bassist whose band just moved from vans to trailers and from dive bars to venues, but Marianas Trench has been playing arenas since 2012.


From The Grave by Juliet Simms

We’ve been listening to Juliet Simms for almost ten years now so we couldn’t have been more excited to listen to her new EP ‘From The Grave’. This record is straight rock n roll and her best work yet. Hear the full review here and read the transcript below: ““Got a one way ticket to paradise, God it tastes so sweet”“ What’s up idobi.com, it is Fish, and I am here to review Juliet Simms’ new EP. It is called From The Grave. It is her second release as a solo artist and it is very special to me because… Read more »


Congratulations Dad, You’re Old: Take Off Your Pants and Jacket Turns 15

Pop punkers, we are officially old. This week, Blink-182’s Take Off Your Pants and Jacket turned fifteen years old. In honor of its birthday bash, the idobi crew got together to recount our favorite lyrics (and memories) from the monumental album. Check out what we had to say below, and join us in bracing yourself for the album’s Sweet 16 (maybe MTV will revive My Super Sweet Sixteen just to throw it the best celebration ever.) — Blink-182 loves your mom…but your mom most likely wouldn’t love Blink-182. Which is one of the main reasons why Blink appealed to me… Read more »

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