*now playing*


Tuesday Ten: Artists To Watch in 2015

It goes without saying that 2015 is going to be a massive year for music, but in between the obvious contenders for our most anticipated releases, there’s also a slew of up-and-coming talent that we’re keeping our eyes glued to this year.


Thursday Ten: Ten Times We Forgot It Was 2014

2014 was a wonderful year for music, but it was also a wonderful year for forgetting that it was 2014. With so many of this year’s releases wearing their nostalgia for musical eras past on their sleeves, it seemed easier than ever to pick up a record that immediately whisked you back to the decade of your choosing despite being less than twelve months old.


Tuesday Ten: Most Ridiculous Merch

Every music fan has a closet full of band tees — but how many can say they douse their lunch in a band’s branded hot sauce and eat it with a band’s branded plastic fork?


Tuesday Ten: Our Favorite B-Sides

The days may be long gone of rushing to the local record store, money in hand, to grab the latest radio hit’s 45rpm single, but the excitement of flipping that record over and discovering the non-album track that lay on the other side will never wear off. In this week’s Tuesday Ten, we’re exploring some of our writers’ favorite b-sides.

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