*now playing*


Kevin Thrasher

This week I have Producer, Guitarist, Kevin Thrasher. He has made quite a name for himself in the last few years working for people like Travis Barker, Avril Levine, Bear, and Machine Gun Kelly. He’s also the main song writer for band Escape The Fate. Kevin and I go far back in the music community and we started coming up around the same time in the music industry, I get his story and how he came to be. 



It is a PARTY on The Gunz Show with Travis Mills from the rising pop punk band girlfriends.  Gunz and Trav talk all things pop punk / emo and the rise and revival of the scene.  Girlfriends are gearing up for shows with Machine Gun Kelly, Mod Sun, Tyler Posey and more as SHOWS ARE BACK baby!  Check it out and make sure to rate, review and subscribe below to The Gunz Show


Boome and The Skywalkers/Freddy Kane

Jaret and Gary have an in studio guest! The dudes and Boome discuss electronics/cloud storage, forgetting passwords, how Jaret’s mom has an Alexa in every room with a different name, working for apple and helping people, and touring with Machine Gun Kelly/Bone Thugs… but that’s not all!

They also chat Apple Eco System Transition (Logic/GarageBand & iMovie/FinalCutPro), attending Zach’s sports games/coaching and only missing 3 games, the great Bowling For Soup/Mariah Carey Urination Station Bus Story, and recruiting kids for sports at an early age.

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