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bonnie fraser is angry (and that’s a good thing)

I think about what influences artists a lot. That might seem like a “well, yeah,” from the guy who does a show dissecting metal and hardcore artists’ musical inspirations, but the reason I do that is because it’s how I think. I often wonder about what inspires the artists as people. Not so much where they get ideas; as Neil Gaiman said, “I make them up, out of my head.” No, it’s a step before that. What gets artists into that space where they can create?  “Inside, I was angry as fuck at the world, obviously, so that’s where the… Read more »


Black to the Future: Picking Up the Torch

Often, when we celebrate Black History Month we think about the Civil Rights leaders and activists of long ago. I remember being in elementary school and feeling like racism was a thing of the past because of the way it was taught. It would be great if we could just talk about social injustices as something that happened long ago but no longer. However, the fact that just this weekend I saw a “White Lives Matter” shirt at an event, means that people still aren’t understanding. All of February, we see quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.… Read more »

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