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MGMT dazzles Maryland with psychedelic performance

Electrifying screens with acid-trip psychedelic visuals zooming in and out of focus, a band so high on energy it seemingly got lost in its own momentum and a raucous crowd defined Saturday’s MGMT show at Merriweather Post Pavilion.


Court dismisses Warner-Bronfman case

Edgar Bronfman, Jr.’s Warner Music Group may not be close to settling its disagreement with YouTube over music video revenue but at least he’s out from under a $100 million lawsuit. The lawsuit, a hangover from the $2.6 billion leveraged buyout of the music company from Time Warner in 2004, was filed by former Simon & Schuster CEO Richard Snyder in 2007. Snyder claimed he wasn’t compensated properly for his role in bringing investment bankers to the deal and sued Bronfman personally. But the New York Supreme Court disagreed, dismissing the case Tuesday and ordering Snyder to cover the court… Read more »


Avril's "Sexy" Show Gets Scrapped

If Malaysian officials’ logic holds, Avril Lavigne is sexier than Gwen Stefani and the Pussycat Dolls and just as potentially morally corrupting as Beyoncé. The Canadian faux-punkette has become the latest Western pop star to face trouble in the Asian country as she was uninvited from performing a planned Kuala Lumpur gig. The Muslim-majority country’s Arts, Culture and Heritage Ministry canceled the show today amid growing protests and claims the singer was, quite simply, “too sexy.” While that, of course, is entirely subjective, the timing of the planned gig–just two days before the nation’s Independence Day on Aug. 29–was not… Read more »


Boy band mogul Lou Pearlman to plead guilty in fraud

Lou Pearlman, the music mogul who launched the Backstreet Boys and ‘N Sync, has agreed to plead guilty and make restitution to victims swindled out of an estimated $300 million in phony bank and investment schemes, U.S. prosecutors said on Tuesday. Pearlman admitted in a plea agreement that for 20 years he enticed people and banks to invest millions of dollars in two companies that existed only on paper: Transcontinental Airlines Travel Services Inc. and Transcontinental Airlines Inc. Pearlman is scheduled to enter his plea on Thursday in a U.S. court in Orlando. The charges carry a maximum of 25… Read more »


Indie-Pop Band Stars Want You To Steal New LP

In case you haven’t heard, the formerly unsinkable airship of cash known as the music industry is currently crashing down from the heavens in a ball of flames, hurtling toward the Earth at supersonic speeds. In fact, at this point it’s only a matter of time before it smashes into terra firma with the impact of 10,000 atomic bombs, blowing a hole clear through North America, causing the seas to boil and sending clouds of black soot skyward, blotting out the sun and eventually ending life as we know it.At least that’s how the members of Stars see it. “It’s… Read more »


Gym Class Heroes Graduate to Big Leagues

For then 15-year-old Travis McCoy, high school gym class was nothing more than an excuse to chat about music with buddy Matt McGinley. McCoy, who was an aspiring rapper, was the frontman for a local band, and McGinley played drums for another in their native Geneva, N.Y. The summer after sophomore year, McGinley’s band landed a party gig, and McCoy, who happened to be at the same gathering, stepped to the mic and began to rhyme along with it. Thus Gym Class Heroes was born and went on to release three independent albums before signing to Fall Out Boy principal… Read more »

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