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idobi Fanuary: Rise Of The Superfan

This month, idobi is celebrating our awesome fans—you guys! But our staff writers have been known to embrace their inner super-fangirl from time to time, too. Whether it’s defacing public places with lyrics or dropping everything to fly to another country to see a favorite band play, we’ve all been superfans in our own way. In the spirit of Fanuary, we’ve decided to share a few times we let our music fandom shine.


A Love Letter To The Fans: The Ready Set

Pinpointing the exact moment when you go from 100 fans to 10,000 fans, to 100,000 fans is a pretty daunting task, if not impossible. Even when progression takes years, hindsight makes huge moments feel like they happened overnight.


2015: That Ex You Hate and Resolve to Never Date Again

Here’s to a less irritating 2016—this year, we got together all of our least favorite pop culture icons and begged them to please, please give us a break this year. They dominated in 2015, and we deserve some time off, or at least some serious attitude changes, dammit.


idobi’s End Of The Year Countdown: WTF Moments

No matter where you look in the world, there’s always something that’s bound to turn your head. The sheer amount of unbelievable acts that caught our attention this year had to have broken some kind of record, whether they were wonderful, heart-wrenching, or absolutely stupid.


#idobiLuvs The Year 2015

It’s pretty apparent that we’re writing to you from a time warp, because we’re certain it’s still 2008 even though we’re discussing the biggest moments of 2015. Anything that happened this year that had you happy, sad, or anywhere in between can probably be found below. Check out what our staff remembers most from 2015, then let us know what you’d add to the list on Twitter.


idobi’s End Of The Year Countdown: Best Albums

Collaborations are great, new tracks give us life, and music videos provide the perfect setting for both, but what could be better than a stellar album to jam out to in our cars, houses, and even at the office (headphones probably not optional)?

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