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Congratulations Dad, You’re Old: Take Off Your Pants and Jacket Turns 15

Pop punkers, we are officially old. This week, Blink-182’s Take Off Your Pants and Jacket turned fifteen years old. In honor of its birthday bash, the idobi crew got together to recount our favorite lyrics (and memories) from the monumental album. Check out what we had to say below, and join us in bracing yourself for the album’s Sweet 16 (maybe MTV will revive My Super Sweet Sixteen just to throw it the best celebration ever.) — Blink-182 loves your mom…but your mom most likely wouldn’t love Blink-182. Which is one of the main reasons why Blink appealed to me… Read more »


idobi Fanuary: Dear Fans, We ALL Love You

Valentine’s Day may be over, but we’re not done showing you the love. Starting February 15th, idobi Radio is kicking off our first annual Fanuary, two weeks dedicated to our favorite people in the world: you!


What if you built a machine to predict hit movies?

One sunny afternoon not long ago, Dick Copaken sat in a booth at Daniel, one of those hushed, exclusive restaurants on Manhattan’s Upper East Side where the waiters glide spectrally fro table to table. He was wearing a starched button-down shirt and a blue blazer. Every strand of his thinning hair was in place, and he spoke calmly and slowly, his large pink Charlie Brow head bobbing along evenly as he did. Copaken spent many years as a partner at the white-shoe Washington, D.C., firm Covington & Burling, and he has a lawyer’s gravitas. One of his bes friends calls… Read more »


Smiles fade at Napster

It was a breakthrough deal that would have put the Napster kitty on millions of Hewlett-Packard computers. But in the days leading up to Napster’s re-launch in late October, HP suddenly – and without explanation – returned Napster’s $250,000 check and canceled the agreement to install a link to Napster’s online music service on its computers. Worse, in January HP announced a surprise partnership with Napster rival Apple Computer to feature the iTunes Music store on HP computers and sell Hewlett-Packard branded iPod music players. Neither HP nor Napster’s parent company, Roxio, would comment on the soured deal, whose details… Read more »


Say Anything Revisits ‘…Is A Real Boy’ 20 Years Later

Say Anything is a band that you can’t appropriately compare to any other band. Perhaps you could attempt to use metrics like ticket sales or song charting, but certainly not in any tangible sense of emotion, delivery, or downright weirdness. Say Anything kicked the doors down when they entered the scene with a huge “Fuck You” to any preconceived notion of what a “punk” or “emo” band should be. They didn’t give a shit about being a cog in the music industry machine—in fact, they were pretty loud about their despise for it. They wanted to share their passion for… Read more »

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