Fall Out Boy release new song “Irresistible”
Fall Out Boy are now streaming another track, entitled “Irresistible,” which comes off their upcoming full-length, American Beauty/American Psycho.
Fall Out Boy are now streaming another track, entitled “Irresistible,” which comes off their upcoming full-length, American Beauty/American Psycho.
Losing yourself in a ten-hour marathon of your favorite tv show is always fun, but it’s even more fun when you suddenly wake from your reverie at the sounds of some unknown, perfect song emerging from the speakers. For this week’s Tuesday Ten, we asked our writers about ten songs they fell in love with after hearing them on tv.
The initial installment of Gavels and Guitars with Danny Alvarez, Esq., presented by idobi Radio and ReverbNation.
Here are some of our favorite photos from the APMAs show the other night!
You know when Oscars season hits and suddenly it’s the only thing anyone can talk about? That’s how we feel about the first Gibson Brands Alternative Press Music Awards – Fueled by Monster Energy Drink. With less than two weeks left until the awards show makes its July 21st debut, at Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we’ve all been picking our favorites and placing our bets—which is exactly what this show is all about.
Music videos are an interesting art form — they can be beautiful interpretations that reveal the inner meanings of the music, or they can make so little sense that they leave your brain feeling like scrambled eggs. We pay tribute to some of the biggest culprits in the latter category in this week’s Tuesday Ten.
Panic! At The Disco have undergone drastic changes with every album, resulting in a distinctively different sound on each album – some will enjoy the change and musical exploration, others will frown upon yet another departure from the band’s roots.
As their comeback album, Save Rock and Roll is probably one of the most important albums in Fall Out Boy’s career. They have evolved into a slick, complex powerhouse of a band, and they prove it by unleashing all their talent on this new album.
With a couple hits and misses, the Acoustic EP effectively reveals another dimension in City Lights’ sound.
At South By Southwest, Patrick Stump unveiled songs from his much-discussed solo project, and now he’s sitting down to talk about those songs and the album from which they’ll come.