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Miss May I

This week on Rock The Walls, Patrick speaks with two-fifths of Miss May I, vocalist Levi Benton and bassist/vocalist Ryan Neff. Walford along with Benton and Neff talk about Miss May I’s new album Shadows Inside, out now via Sharptone Records, writing and recording the album with both a vocal and instrumental producer, their upcoming touring cycle, where they would rank all six Miss May I albums from best to worst, and much more! Subscribe to the Rock The Walls Podcast here and follow Rock The Walls on Twitter and Facebook!


Caskets’ Sophomore Album Is A Reflection On The Band’s Synergy

Leading up to the release of their sophomore album Reflections, idobi had the opportunity to sit down with Caskets’ frontman Matt Flood to delve into the band’s creative journey. Their debut album, Lost Souls, came to life during the pandemic, a time of uncertainty and innovation. Flood reflects on this period, discussing how the unexpected lockdown found the band in a shed recording everything on the debut collection. This experience, although unconventional, taught them valuable lessons in resilience and adaptability before venturing into their sophomore LP. Across Reflections, it’s evident that Caskets forged unity amongst themselves, allowing for a more… Read more »

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