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EMI to be split and sold for estimated $3.5B

The NY Post reports that Citigroup is close to the sale of record company EMI. The deal reportedly splits the company in to, with recording artists going into one, and it’s publishing arm sold separately in a deal estimated between $3.3 to $3.5 billion.


Black Satellite, The Wrecks

Need new music? Gunz is serving it up with his latest podcast. Whether you’re into alt rock jams that break barriers, or indie rock anthems, The Gunz Show has a band for you.


Interview: Pemanent Ability

Last week, idobi contributor Ashley Holman had the opportunity to speak with three of the four members of Permanent Ability, a funk- rock band based in Los Angeles, California. Their latest EP, Bring It On!, debuted in 2010 and secured them the title “best band of the week” from rockitoutblog.com.


FCC Passes Net Neutrality Order

As expected, The Federal Communications Commission — by a vote of 3-2 — has passed the Net Neutrality rules pressed for by Chairman Julius Genachowski. The vote was held this morning in an Open Agenda Meeting at The FCC following a presentation called “Preserving The Open Internet.”


Counting Crows bring originality to Windsor

The Counting Crows, along with Augustana and hip-hop act Notar, made their stop in Windsor as a part of the “Traveling Circus and Medicine Show”. This is the second consecutive year of the tour, with Notar as the tour’s only newcomer.


New Politics delivers a mediocre first attempt

New Politics ultimately sounds formulaic; it eventually lacks the initial pep that draws you into what this Danish band potentially has to offer. The songs are textbook from beginning to end; they are decent for what it’s worth, but there is no noticeable sheen in them. Many of the tracks, such as “Love is a Drug,” have their introductory moments of catchy beats or great bass lines, but that spark gradually fizzles.

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