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Death Cab For Cutie’s Asphalt Meadows Goes Acoustic

— Death Cab for Cutie is reimagining their latest album, Asphalt Meadows and giving us an acoustic version this March. The original version of their 10th studio album dropped this past September and we’ve been in love ever since. Now we get to experience it all over again on March 10th. Two tracks have already been released: the acoustic version of “Pepper” can be heard here and their cover of “The Plan”, by Low, can be heard here.  On recording “The Plan”, frontman Ben Gibbard said, “I first saw Low in 1994 opening for Sunny Day Real Estate at the… Read more »


Punk Goes Acoustic Goes Old School Myspace

Gather around the glow from our collective smartphones young whipper-snappers and I’ll tell a tale of the olden days. It was the year 2002 and iPhones hadn’t been invented yet. A T-mobile “sidekick” would set you back about $250 bucks, it had a full QWERTY keyboard hidden under a full screen that would twist open with the flick of a finger. “Social Networking” sites were the thing of the future. A new and improved way of keeping in contact with people you know near and far. Friendster somehow was collectively thought of as uncool, as the most amazing new way… Read more »


HR #5: Acoustic Punk

Sit down… and listen to all your favorite punk rocker’s softer side. It seems like a trend these days to do an acoustic album. Do these albums still qualify as punk albums? Either way, they sure make for great music!… enjoy!


Premiere: An Acoustic Take On Jack Vandervelde’s “Pick It Up Sometimes”

Some songs come around only to get stuck in your head forever. Jack Vandervelde’s “Pick It Up Sometimes” is one of those tracks… not that you’ll mind, because the charming track will also be replaying through your speakers forever. “The song Pick It Up Sometimes is about reconnecting with someone from the past for a short period of time. It is something I have experienced and I see all the time with my friends and people my age. We are all back in town for a holiday break or summer, and everyone tries to make the most of their time… Read more »

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