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News Flashes 02.23.21: UK Music Industry Calls for Govt Support, New Blink-182 on the way, Coca-Cola’s Racism Seminar, Honoring COVID-19 Victims

[Bottom Left: Photo by REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst, Bottom Right: Photo via Boris Johnson Twitter] Today UK music industry call for economic support, new Blink-182 on the way, Coca-Cola’s Racism Seminar, and honoring the lives lost to COVID-19. Pay Up, Boris: Music Industry Calls For Economic Support  The music and entertainment industry have received little to no support throughout the pandemic. After Boris Johnson revealed his plans for coming out of lockdown, UK music industry figures had some words about it. The prime minister shared that the goal is to have everything “back to normal” by June 21st and to “remove all… Read more »


Musicians Supporting Black Lives Matter

We are all looking for ways to support the Black Lives Matter movement (find a list of resources here) and that includes artists and creatives. It’s incredible to see people you admire taking a stand, using their platforms to amplify black voices and advocate for change, and doing what they can to stand on the right side of humanity. Here’s a list of some artists making their voices heard: Lizzo Lizzo has been posting videos on Instagram to spread awareness, educate, and provide information on where you can go to make a change. She’s remained vocal and has used her… Read more »

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