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Babs Szabo, Co-Founder of Emo Nite

This week we chat with Babs Szabo, a co-founder of Emo Nite and Ride or Cry. She tells us about the various jobs she had in the industry before starting Emo Nite, including her experiences at working at Sony Music and CAA, as well as discussing the plans Emo Nite had for their slot at this years Coachella (which was canceled due to COVID).

Babs also tells us about their creative agency, Ride or Cry, which has been keeping them busier than ever this year as shows and events are still on hold.

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Basslines and Protest Signs

Basslines and Protest Signs Part 46: The Worst of Times

I think it’s safe to say, “Holy shit!” In the two weeks since the last of these columns, our lives have changed beyond recognition, perhaps for the foreseeable future. Things that we took for granted, like going to the store, now take careful planning. Going to a concert, bar, or club is cancelled, for very real reasons. People are getting sick, people are dying. For Christ’s sake, stay in your homes. Wash your hands. Clean everything. Stay away from other people. Let’s try to make this thing go away as quickly as possible. Don’t be one of those idiots on… Read more »


WOODSTOCK 50: Officially Cancelled

Well this doesn’t really come as a surprise. It was being deemed “Fyre Fest 2.0,” as more and more reports came out of just how disorganized and a mess Woodstock 50 was becoming. The first sign of a problem was last week when they couldn’t even begin selling tickets because they didn’t have everything set up correctly. I personally tried reaching out for press credentials a while ago–and not only was it impossible to find out who was actually running Woodstock, getting a contact for them even proved more of a mess. You literally couldn’t navigate to find out who… Read more »

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