by N. Renee Brown
Basically: Two estranged childhood friends reconnect while trying to save Chicago with newly acquired superpowers.
Lydia (Melissa McCarthy) and Emily (Octavia Spencer) are childhood friends who have a falling out and end up going their own ways in life. On the night of their high school reunion Lydia visits Emily and accidentally ends up getting endowed with superpowers. The two try to reconnect as they train, all while being watched over by Emily’s daughter Tracy (Taylor Mosby), yet the differences that drove them apart are still there. After a few successful missions they have to decide if they can stand one another long enough to save the city.

Photo: Hopper Stone/Netflix © 2021
McCarthy and Spencer are a match made in heaven. They seem to genuinely like one another, which allows us to feel the awkwardness between them and to revel in the funny moments it creates. Their relationship alone makes this movie worth watching but there is so much more to recommend it. Let’s take a minute to talk about the fact that both of these women are not “model thin” yet there wasn’t a single joke made about that in this movie. How refreshing to have a movie be ACTUALLY funny and not need to revert to “fat humor” to get a few extra laughs. I love the fact that these fat women are smart, sexy, and powerful—even more, I love the fact that they are funny without hating their own bodies. This is the kind of movie I want every body-shamed girl to see.
Also, you guys, Jason Bateman as “The Crab” is the most amazing, wonderful, funny, lovely thing I’ve seen in a while! He is a henchman for the bad guy but the minute he steps on screen you want to see more of him. The way he walks and clicks his crab claws kills me every time—more than just that, it is the way Bateman invests in this character that makes him so great to watch.

Photo: Hopper Stone/Netflix © 2021
Having said all that, let me also say that this movie is no mental giant. You can see what’s coming from a mile away and you are not shocked when it gets here. Thunder Force follows every trope and hits every beat you expect, it does not go above and beyond in any way. If you are looking for an amazing fresh new take on superheroes THIS IS NOT YOUR MOVIE. Then again, if you are looking for something fun, sassy, full of woman power, comforting, and funny as hell then I can’t recommend anything better.
In the End: If you (like me) NEED a break from all the bad things in the world go watch this light-hearted, funny as heck movie. You’ll walk away with a smile on your face, you’ll feel good about watching it, and you might just develop a crush on Jason Bateman. <3