Basically: The most ambitious crossover event in history is about to wreck your brain and punch you in the guts—and you’re gonna ask for more, more, more…
You already know the set-up. Throughout the last ten years and through the franchises Thor, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy we’ve been introduced to the Infinity Stones—a set of six jewels that were scattered throughout the Marvel Universe at the moment of the big bang. Each stone controls a central element of life: space, time, reality, soul, mind, and power. No one should control them all. That won’t stop the world killing overlord known as Thanos (Josh Brolin). Thanos is collecting the stones to build an Infinity Gauntlet and, if he’s allowed to run those jewels, he’ll punch a hole straight through the universe.
If there was ever a cause to put the band together it’s this one. Forget who’s mad at who and let the mistakes of the past go because, if it takes a village to raise a child, it’ll take Wakanda, the Avengers, the Guardians, the Sons of Odin, a couple of Wizards, an Android, a Mutant, and everyone else you love to stop a universe devouring madman.

Credit: Marvel
There is so much action, feels, and humor in Avengers: Infinity War that the entire movie is a spoiler. Seriously, the Russo Brothers have created a fiercely witty and hugely satisfying culmination of every moment we’ve spent with these characters. It’s overflowing with good stuff. Which means I can’t tell you anything about the movie without spoiling it…except how I feel about it. And, really, that’s what this entire cinematic universe is all about. In order to make a great movie about heroes the filmmakers first have to believe in them. Back in the day, Nike posited that greatness came from love and asked, “You got the love?” That is what Marvel says every time they make a movie. And the answer is: Yes, we’ve got the love.
Avengers: Infinity War is well written—an effort that required two screenwriters and seven comic book creators—and it shows. No single person could balance that many personalities with a plot so simple it ignites like a fusion engine and burns bright all the way through two and a half hours. What did me in were the themes of family and sacrifice, we see them play out with each group of characters as they struggle with what they’re willing to lose in order to attain their goals or how to keep fighting after a loss. It’s affecting to see these heroes deal with the weight of their humanity.
For the action lovers, the fight scenes are sublime. You will cheer out loud. You won’t be able to help yourself. It’s also very pretty. The costuming, the effects, hair, makeup, stunts, production design, (whoever did the color correction); everything is gorgeous. There’s a point you forget Thanos is computer generated—he feels so real—there’s stubble on his head and pores on his skin. He’s wholly alive and is almost reasonable in his motivations (almost, he’s still a madman). That’s work well done by actor Josh Brolin and the animators.

Credit: Marvel
The performances are all strong. That’s no surprise. We know these characters and each actor embodies them so well we forget that they’re not actually protecting the earth. All of these components make for a strong movie. But the sum total of these parts is even better; the reason we have such feels when we watch Infinity War is because Marvel has earned our emotions. They built these characters, they developed our connection to them and we’ve seen them struggle with heroics to always come out on the right side.
So yeah, we’ve got the love…and what’s wonderful is Marvel is loving us right back…but don’t expect an easy ride. Our heroes have fought every step of the way to get here, they’ll fight harder than ever to go forward. And I’m with them all the way (third row, center).
In the end: See Infinity War because (it’ll make you giggle, it’ll get you hyped, it’ll make you emotional) it will give you the feels, and the good times won’t end there…
Stay tuned for a more in-depth review on Geek Girl Riot!
Okay, okay, I’ll spoil one thing for you, “It’s like a pirate had a baby with an angel” is accurate. What? You’ll see.