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Charming Liars

On this weeks episode of The Undiscovered Sound, Jeff speaks with Kiliyan from Charming Liars about touring with Dorothy & the bands music videos being featured at Sundance Film Festival!


Key Politicians In Harmony Over Net Music Bill

Key Capitol Hill politicos on Wednesday sent a letter urging colleagues to reject legislation that would force recording labels to offer the same price and terms when cutting licensing deals with Internet ventures. The measure in question was introduced this summer by Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.), who’s concerned that the major labels will control the flow of songs on the Internet by giving special permission to those online services they back. But some of Boucher’s colleagues on the House Internet Subcommittee say it’s far too early in the game to regulate the Internet. Those signing the letter opposing Boucher’s bill… Read more »


11 Up-And-Coming Artists That Every AFI Fan Should Be Listening To

Despite all the territory they’ve covered in their near-thirty tenure, AFI retains an impressively conspicuous identity. It’s the Tim Burton condition in which, despite rejecting the confines of any categorical genre with each new release, they have an innate flair that renders them instantly recognizable. But that’s not to say that they exist outside the realm of reasonable comparison. We scoured the alternative underground to prove that point. And while we can’t promise the recreation of that first magical moment you first heard Sing The Sorrow, we did pluck a handful of new music recommendations from the AFI ethos.  Representing… Read more »


Laura Jane Grace & the Mississippi Medicals Unleash “All F***ed Out”

Marking their debut single, Laura Jane Grace & the Mississippi Medicals—fronted by LJG and featuring Matt Patton on bass, Mikey Erg on drums, and her wife Paris Campbell Grace on vocals and percussion—have unleashed “All Fucked Out.” “Back in 2021, I sat down in my office to do some songwriting,” Laura Jane Grace explains in a press release. “Not knowing what specifically to write about that day, I challenged myself to write a song similar to whatever the current No. 1 hit in the world was at the time. I made the challenge to myself without knowing exactly what that… Read more »

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