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A 5th Grader Stands Up To Bullying

Nobody should have to feel like 5th grader Delanie Marcotte does. Listen.  I’ll be the first admit; life isn’t easy… and middle school / high school and even college can be the hardest times of our lives.  Socially – are you kidding me?  Like come on.  We all FREAKED out those first couple weeks of high school.  I remember my parents making me go to as many different pre-events as possible, just so when I went to high school I knew at least some people when I showed up and walked the hallways.  Having at least someone to nod to… Read more »


Jarrod Alonge, Patty Walters, + Lauren Babic Release New Song as Supergroup, CrazyEightEight

We love supergroups, so CrazyEightEight has totally stolen our hearts. Not familiar? What started as the project of Lauren Babic (Red Handed Denial) and Jarrod Alonge (Sunrise Skater Kids, funnyman extraordinaire), has now welcomed As It Is’ Patty Walters. In true 2018 fashion the band is internet based, and really just out to have fun while making music. Today, they’ve announced that they’ll be releasing a debut album funded by Kickstarter, and to get us all super stoked for the new line-up, they’ve also dropped a track titled “Shinebox”. You can watch the video for the song below and indulge in… Read more »

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