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Jan Harzan (MUFON), Isaac Weishaupt (Symbolism in Star Wars)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…it’s BLACKOUT with Samantha Scarlette and Eddie Barella. This week, symbolism in Star Wars with Illuminati Watcher‘s Isaac Weishaupt and the search for UFO answers with MUFON‘s Jan Harzan. First, Illuminati Watcher’s Isaac Weishaupt unveils the hidden occult and Illuminati symbolism in the Star Wars series. What does it mean and what are we being prepared for? Find Weishaupt’s book here. Then, from MUFON (Mutual UFO Netowork), Jan Harzan. MUFON is a non-profit organization that investigates UFO sightings. It is one of the oldest and largest civilian UFO-investigative organizations in the United States… Read more »


Star Wars Rogue One – Quick Clip

Rogue One comes out on December 16, but for now, filmmaker Chelsea Christer is here to give you all her perspective on the trailer, and why the upcoming film is an important story to tell.


New Creed Video Looks Like Salvador Dali Meets 'Star Wars'

Don’t blame the surreal imagery in Creed’s upcoming “One Last Breath” video on the painkillers Scott Stapp is taking for his injured neck and back. The singer drafted the bizarre treatment for the clip long before his car accident last month. And when he explained his ideas to director David Meyers, the two had a meeting of the minds. “We found out that we both have a love and affection for [surreal painter Salvador] Dali that we didn’t know we shared,” Stapp said. “I wrote my treatment for the video and sent it to Dave, and then he added his… Read more »


NSYNC cut from Star Wars

It may just be the shortest movie career of all time. NSYNC were to star for just 1/2 second in the Star Wars movie ‘Attack of the Clones’ but their scene has been dropped. The band filmed their part a few weeks back. Joey Fatone of NSYNC called up Carson’s radio show on Florida station 93.3 FLZ. Fatone confirms the band filmed their part but after the media attention their 1/2 second of fame was receiving, the scene was dropped from the movie.

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