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Music Reviews

Album Review: The Ready Set – I Will Be Nothing Without Your Love

After The Ready Set’s first label release, 2010’s I’m Alive, I’m Dreaming, we waited four long years for another full length from the electro-pop solo act. During that time, we were oh so patient for an album that 2014’s The Bad And The Better didn’t quite become, but now that I Will Be Nothing Without Your Love is here, our perseverance is finally being rewarded.


Top Five Things to Love About The Weather Changing

If you live well above the equator, you can relate to these things. If you don’t–well, then we’re all really jealous. #1. The alluring  sound of an ice cream truck meandering around your neighborhood. #2. T-SHIRTS. Wearing t-shirts. #3. Putting your heavy coats and boots away for a long nap. #4. Not having to put a hat on out of necessity. Hats are for fashion, yo. #5. The sun is out after 5 p.m. HALLELUJAH!!!

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