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Most Popular # Song Artist 1 Anyways The Starting Line 2 Pretense Knuckle Puck 3 Late Nights Lydia 4 The Divine Zero Pierce The Veil 5 Our Lawyers Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Don’t Get Sued Fall Out Boy 6 Anyways The Starting Line 7 Pretense Knuckle Puck 8 Late Nights Lydia 9 The Divine Zero Pierce The Veil 10 Our Lawyers Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Don’t Get Sued Fall Out Boy


ICYMI – April 12, 2015

Brand New Cannot Do Anything Wrong. Ever. So, they opened their show with a new song and I’m pretty sure I cried over it. Okay, I definitely cried over it. Brand New is making their comeback loud and clear. They’ve posted a new promo picture, wiped everything off their Instagram, presented new music, and played “Soco Amaretto Lime” at their show in Denver. Basically, they said “Hey, look, we’re really back now and we’re going to do all of this and make you cry.” Did I mention I’m seeing them for the first time ever this week? Well, I am.… Read more »


The Mike Herrera Hour: Nick Martin, Vic Fuentes, Ryan Rockwell

Mike talks with Nick Martin- Sleeping with Sirens, Vic Fuentes – Pierce the Veil, Ryan Rockwell – Mixtapes/Big Snackers Podcast. Follow these guys on Twitter: @piercethevic @nodirectionhome @RyanRockswelLOL Visit Mike’s new site at mikeherrera.net! New blog post, photos and video are waiting for you there. Cheers!  Join the conversation on Twitter: @mikeherreraTD  Questions, comments, and good stories can all be sent to [email protected].  The Mike Herrera Hour – every Friday & Sunday, 8pm ET/ 5pm PT here on Idobi.com. Visit mikeherrera.net and be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming shows in your area!


ICYMI – March 15, 2015

Kevin Lyman Did a TED Talk, So Listen Up I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time: Kevin Lyman gave a speech at TedxCPP and it was fantastic. The talk covered a bit of his early years and how he got into touring, but on a much more important note, he talked about the dangers that threaten festival culture. He discussed the different age groups and life changes. It’s a wonderful speech for people who are getting too old for things like Warped Tour and Cochella. Basically, you get to see, again, why Kevin Lyman is so fan-freaking-tastic.… Read more »

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