*now playing*


Tuesday Ten: Curing Your Winter Blues

It’s easy around this time of year to bury yourself in comfort food and sad songs, but you can only do that for so long before you need a change of pace. Once you’ve gotten your fill of indulging your winter blues (which we talked about in last week’s Tuesday Ten), it’s time to move on to curing them—and we’ve got the perfect playlist for that, too.


Thursday Ten: A Not-So-Traditional Christmas

When you’re trapped in the hellish nightmare of a busy mall in December, it’s not unusual for the tinny sound of Christmas music to make you wish you would get trampled to death by a thousand frantic shoppers just to put an end to your suffering. Thankfully, hearing your favorite bands cover the same songs has the opposite effect.


Tuesday Ten: Songs We Didn’t Like Until We Heard Them Acoustic

Autumn is just around the corner, and that means one thing: it’s almost time to throw on your comfiest sweater and trade in the upbeat sunny anthems you’ve been singing the past four months for something a little more chilled out. It’s always fun to return to your usual favorites, but it’s even more exciting to add something unexpected to the playlist — which is why for this week’s Tuesday Ten, we asked our writers about ten songs they didn’t like until they heard them acoustic.


The Parent Swap Pt. 1

It’s a struggle most of us have experienced with our families, at least to some degree — the parents think the kids’ music is unlistenable garbage, and the kids think their parents’ music was recorded by the first dinosaurs to ever hold guitars. But when you find those rare few bands that occupy the middle ground between everyone’s tastes, it’s a special moment that brings the family together way better than getting a pet fish ever could.


Tuesday Ten: Summer Road Trip Soundtrack

There’s nothing quite like the feel of summer, and wherever the GPS takes you in the coming months, we’ve compiled our ultimate summer road trip playlists for you in this week’s Tuesday Ten.

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