Spiritbox have revealed that they are seeing out an incredible year with a new release. Spending 2023 travelling across the world and playing to audiences of every shape and size, they have further cemented their place as one of heavy music’s most exciting bands. Razor sharp yet caramel smooth, effortlessly crushing yet ethereally vibrant, they are everything that is excellent about metal right now. Taking 2021’s debut album Eternal Blue and 2022’s Rotoscope and expanding them into vast new plains, they also shared a new song back in April. That was “The Void“, a galloping, beautiful, dizzying display of heaven and heaviness. And now we know that it was all leading towards The Fear Of Fear, their brand new EP.
The new release will be yours on November 3 via Rise Records/Pale Chord and feature six brand-new tracks. One of those will be “The Void”, but it will be joined by the mysterious sounding “Cellar Door”, the beautifully titled “Angel Eyes”, and the curious “Too Close / Too Late”, to name a few. The artwork is also curious in its darkest and despair. Purple and black splash against each other over what looks like an image of vocalist Courtney LaPlante screaming. If this aesthetic matches the musical output, we are in for a destructive experience.
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However, we don’t have to wait, as Spiritbox have shared a new track alongside the announcement. That is “Jaded” and it is absolutely stellar. Striking atmospheres and intricate plucks give way to an all-consuming riff that shatters the glass around your perception. Courtney then shows off her crystalline vocals before delivering her signature brand of guttural bark. The contrast between beauty and brutality reigns supreme here, with the masterful control over the two taking you between heaven and hell in an instant.
It serves as another benchmark for Spiritbox to reach, and it’s one that you know that they will surpass without breaking a sweat. For now, though, bathe in the brilliance of a band at the peak of their powers.