Nightly have just released their hotly-anticipated second album wear your heart out, and the wait has been worth every precious second. Following up on 2020’s night, love you., it is a record that is designed for long drives, late nights and neon-soaked adventures. As sun-stained as it is coated in chrome steel, it delves into as many sonic pools as possible over its 14-track runtime. Shimmering synths, thunderous bass and heartfelt and hot croons aplenty, there is a song for every occasion.
Every twist and turn, there is potential for your new favorite song. “radiohead” is the most ethereally dreamy love song you will hear this year, whilst “my boys” jangles with sticky bass and glistening sentimentality. Then there’s the 3 a.m. sensuality of “naked”, gorgeous anthemics of “it’s not your body”, and the cheeky vibrancy of “pink starburst“. It’s a collection of songs made for every ebb and flow of life. The first kiss, the last goodbye, the late-night existential crisis and the sunrise epiphany. Nightly have crafted a record that will follow you through every single one of your ups and downs, and bring you back to Earth reeling each time. Timeless songwriting for timeless moments.
Read more: ONE OK ROCK “Make It Out Alive” With Anthemic New Single
To celebrate the release of the album, we have teamed up with Nightly for something special. The band will be live on idobi Radio as part of Drop Date Live. Hosted by the awesome Katie LeClarc, Jonathan, Joey and Nick will be taking your questions and sharing in the joy of the new record being out in the world with you! It all kicks off at 5pm ET on idobi Radio, which you can listen to LIVE right here.

And if that wasn’t enough, Nightly have also put together a special track-by-track walkthrough of wear your heart out to accompany your listening experience. Check it out!
wear your heart out
This was the first song we wrote for the album. It inspired the creation of the rest of it. This song is also the name of our headline tour this fall.
the feeling
We’re obsessed with songs that encapsulate an emotion throughout every aspect : production, lyrics, and vibe. This song is one that we’re really proud of because we feel it does just that.
like i do
Probably one of our favorite tracks on the album. We’ve always wanted to release a song with this type of energy that will bring something special to the live show.
This was one of those songs that fell out of the sky and wrote itself, sat down at the piano, and the whole thing came out in 20-30 minutes. This felt like a strange but perfect choice to lead off the era of the sophomore album.
it’s not your body
This is another one that came really quickly, it felt light and fun and something to dance to. As a chronic over-thinker, this is one of the rare occasions that we didn’t overthink and went with what felt good.
This song started by mistake. We had an overloading problem on the bass, and it sounded really distorted but cool. Immediately when it happened, Joey knew that we had to capture it because it was such an accident. the bass part that Nick played in that moment became the instrumental hook throughout the song.
navy blue
We’ve always been in love with early 2000’s alternative acts like Coldplay, Keane, & Snow Patrol and wanted a song that felt like it could live in the same universe. It was the main inspiration behind this song.
my boys
The day we wrote this, we actually ended up writing two songs for the album, this one and “dry eyes”. It felt like it was a simple concept that hasn’t been talked about much since “The Boys Are Back In Town“. Also, this song features Joey’s son in the intro.
whiskey part 2
To understand the context of this song, you’ll need to listen to our first album to hear “whiskey part 1“, which is a voice memo of Nick singing while we were driving on tour that we ended up putting it on the first album. We decided it deserved a part 2 on wear your heart out.
dry eyes
Feels like the perfect soundtrack to a 90s/early 2000’s rom-com – a little bit of a callback to “hate my favorite band“.
Sexy, fun, guaranteed to be our mom’s least favorite song on the album.
pink starburst
I’ve had this title in my phone and the concept for a while but it didn’t feel right to bring to light until this album. The bridge also features a slide guitar that we recorded with a Red Bull can.
love somebody
Probably the last song we wrote for the album and one of the most vulnerable – it sort of surprised us because we weren’t really planning on writing any more for this project. It started with a piano loop that you hear in the intro, which was a voice memo that we used throughout the song.