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M&Ms Loves Women, Fox News Hates M&Ms

M&Ms are getting spicy. Okay, maybe they aren’t literally getting spicy BUT they are out here responding to whiny babies in the best way possible. A while back, Fox News decided they had a problem with M&Ms’ new promotion. Their new ads promote inclusivity (boy, do we sure hate people feeling seen!), showing the Green M&M back in her sneakers, along with a new Purple M&M, and a Brown M&M. All sporting more feminine features, showing off the candy company’s clear stance on supporting women. How dare they, right?!

Anchors on Fox News went off. Spouting how they don’t trust the Green M&M, saying, “If this is what you need for validation, I’m worried about you. This is the kind of thing that makes China say, ‘oh good. Keep focusing on that’”. Wow! These Fox News anchors sure are pressed about female chocolate cartoons on a candy bag! Well, if Tucker Carlson needs to feel sexually attracted to cartoon candy, we’re worried about him. M&M also added that the Green M&M is a lesbian and the Purple M&M is obese. To paraphrase the whiny babies: What the hell? 

Now that you’re all caught up, in their latest PR move, M&M’s parent company Mars made a statement about a few changes. It reads, “We have decided to take an indefinite pause from the spokescandies. In their place, we are proud to introduce a spokesperson America can agree on: the beloved Maya Rudolph. We are confident Ms. Rudolph will champion the power of fun to create a world where everyone feels they belong.”We’re sure all the Fox News anchors are tickled by the announcement. However, now M&M has Maya Rudolph and, if these anchors hate women being celebrated (like their M&M meltdown apparently showed), they are really going to hate the new campaign. Maybe one day these anchors will be as passionate about reporting real news as they are about candy

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