New music from From First To Last is something that should be savored. It’s been six years since, out of nowhere, one of the scene’s most iconic bands returned with Sonny Moore back on vocals. His first time since 2007 since he had fronted the band, they delivered a new track in the form of “Make War“. A thrilling blend of what had come before and what had followed, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Peach-colored and vibrantly delivered, it sent shivers through the underground in ways that not many bands can conjure. Then a year passed until we heard another peep. That came via “Surrender“, a much heavier take on the sound that had transpired 18 months earlier.
And since, nothing. No shows, no announcements, no hints at what the intentions were for this. Though wasn’t the fact that it was even happening enough to get the blood pumping? In the time since, there has been a pandemic, and Sonny has returned to Skrillex, forging a world-beating friendship with Four Tet and Fred again... Obviously, when you are one of the busiest DJs on the planet, finding time is like stopping sand from slipping through your fingers. Though now, there appear to be stirs that hint at something once again taking place.
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It all comes thanks to guitarist Matt Good. On Monday (September 25), he tweeted, “@FFTLAST is coming back soon, and I’m singing again. No one can stop me, not even Skeletor”. An incredible statement to be able to make on its own with such confidence, especially if he is putting his voice out there. Then when asked if we will be seeing new music before the end of the year, he replied, “Very decent chance yes. My opinion is I want to, and I’ll strive to. However, I also wanna make sure it’s a good fuckin song, and sometimes that takes a minute it’s totally random, so I can’t 100% promise, but that’s the goal”.
Well, now it appears that a whole load of new songs are materializing. The amazing thing is that it feels like as much of a surprise for him as it may be for everyone else. His tweet reads, “And just like that we already have a bunch of new FFTL songs materializing. Crazy how that works haha”.
It’s proof that music and inspiration can come to the forefront at any time. You just have to be ready to grasp onto it. To have had a five-year gap between their initial comeback and now, and still be striving to make things as big and amazing as possible, is a testament to how much this band means to Matt, Sonny, Travis and Derek. Here’s hoping that we get to share in what they have been crafting sooner rather than later, and then we get to experience it live. For now, here is a classic.