Knocked Loose have transcended hardcore in the most wonderful of ways. A decade into their journey, they are one of the genre’s most celebrated and revered entities. From shutting down Coachella and Lollapalooza to touring the country alongside Slipknot, it’s been hectic. And most importantly, they have found themselves on a level that not many bands this unrelentingly heavy get. But that has never stopped them from dealing out the pain more and more. Even on 2021’s extraordinary EP, A Tear In The Fabric Of Life, they added elements of transcendental death metal to their riff-laden stew.
And now, with the world at their feet, they have returned with two brand new tracks. They appear under the moniker Upon Loss. And they are, as you would expect, obliteratingly brilliant.
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First up is “Deep In The Willow”, which Knocked Loose actually opened their recent sets at Coachella with. Unrelenting from the very first second and only getting deeper and darker as time goes on, it’s a brute-force assault on the senses. Downbeat as humanly possible, with dirt encrusted on every disgusting chord, it feels like the world caving in around you. There’s even room for a “Knocked Loose, motherfucker” mosh call, which will send shivers coursing up your spine.
And then there is “Everything Is Quiet Now”, which revels in a bit more chaos than the previous track. A dizzying instrumental, spanning from haunting and hulking, and a vocal display from Bryan Garris that would peel the skin off anybody else’s throat, it is perfectly pitch black. There is evil within this monster, and that comes to a head with the discomfortingly picked strings that circle the final breakdown. Showing off more of the unease that held A Tear In The Fabric Of Life together, it demonstrates how the band are still pushing and pulling as they move forwards.
Bryan had this to say about both tracks:
“”Deep in the Willow” and “Everything is Quiet Now” are a reminder that we are heavy, intense, and extreme. Some elements come and go, but those will never change. After A Tear in the Fabric of Life, we were inspired to see how much art we could incorporate moving forward – which led us to a style of video we’ve never attempted or approached. Taking myself specifically far outside of my comfort zone and pushing the boundaries on how I’ve been seen in the past was a creative experience I will never forget.
“This video wouldn’t be what it is without the collaboration with Eric Richter, someone we’ve admired for a while. And the songs wouldn’t be what they are without [producer] Drew Fulk, a new friend and creative ear in the entire process.”
You can check out both songs with a horror-inspired video directed by Bryan below. A genuinely epic return.