JULES IS DEAD is back with another witchy punk-rock banger, “Eternally (undeath)” via Atlantic Records and TAG Music. They describe the track as “a love song about a vampire romance inspired by my obsession with gothic film and literature.” This marks the Canadian artist’s first 2024 offering, which was preceded by “Spells And Power Thoughts,” “My Own Hell,” and “Red Is My Favorite Color.”
With help from Point North’s Jon Lundin, iconic pop-punk producer Kyle Black, and
Additionally, JULES IS DEAD notes, “Songs can be really empowering and you can write about a lot of things that are hard to put into words in a conversation with someone. I get to use my music as an outlet for everything I have going on, whether that’s like stress, mental health my friendships. I channel all of that into my songs. It’s a good way to get out all my negative emotions in a healthy manner.”
Then, they continue, “I think it’s important to be in the space I’m in. Because there are other young girls of colour who want to be in the space and I want to be able to have a space where they feel comfortable, and feel like they contribute.”
Coming up in the summer, JULES IS DEAD will be performing their new tracks at various venues. Check out their upcoming shows below.
Tour Dates:
- July 27—Toronto, ON @ Sneaky Dee’s
- Aug. 24—Vaughan, ON @ 3rd Annual Vaughan International Music Festival