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In Hearts Wake Says “Farewell” To Bassist/Vocalist Kyle Erich In New Single

It’s a bittersweet day for In Hearts Wake fans. The Aussie natives have issued their new single, “Farewell,” which acts as a double-entendre parting gift to fans as it marks the official end of an era with longtime bassist/clean vocalist Kyle Erich. This decision comes from Erich himself, who has made the difficult decision to step away from the band after becoming a father in 2022. Luckily, Erich will perform one final run on the road with In Hearts Wake this September before making his official exit. The blistering track opens with a short disclaimer, marking Kyle’s departure and goodbye,… Read more »


In Hearts Wake interview on Metalix Monday

In Hearts Wake will skype into Metalix Monday night, April 27th. It marks the first Metalix interview with an Australian band. Vocalist Jake Taylor will discuss the band’s ongoing contributions to charity both locally and worldwide as well as the threat of urban development in his home town of Byron Bay. Skydancer comes out May 5th in North America. Catch Metalix Monday nights at 9pm ET on idobi Howl.

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