You come to me this day, the day of my daughter’s choosing of her starter Pokémon and you ask me to steal a master ball from the Silph Co. You ask of me this, and you do not call me Don Giovanni, you do not feed my Persian a Pecha Berry. Fine, I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse. The Mean Time on Idobi Radio! Hosted by Patrick Gilchrist and Jared Gaines! TUNE IN EVERY TUESDAY AT 6PM EST AND STREAM WHEREVER YOU LISTEN TO PODCASTS!
Have you ever wondered where the term “Hardcore” came from? Well that will be answered for you this week on my show as I have Canadian hardcore punk legend Joey Shithead of DOA on my show! We talk about stories from the early hardcore days and a whole lot more. This one is for all the hardcore and punk lovers!
This week on DNA Interviews – The Metal DNA Podcast; Shawn sat down with Ash Tubb of Sugar Horse to talk diverse influences, The Black Album, their new record + much more! Catch Metal DNA live Saturdays @ 8pmEST on idobi Howl! Follow Metal DNA on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram! Subscribe/Follow on iTunes & Spotify