Geek Girl Riot

Yara Shahidi & Charles Melton Q&A Event – The Sun Is Also a Star, YA Recommendations

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Top row L-R: Yara Shahidi (photo by Emma McIntyre - © 2018 Getty Images - photo courtesy 
of // Charles Melton (photo via IMDb)
Bottom row L-R: Yara Shahidi and Charles Melton talking with Q&A host Melissa Grelo // The Sun 
is Also a Star (photo © Warner Bros.) // #Cham AKA your new OTP Rioter Sam & Charles Melton

Hear a special Q&A event with The Sun is Also a Star’s Yara Shahidi and Charles Melton! We also throw love confetti at the book + film then give you some new YA reading recs.

The Sun is Also a Star: The Book & Film
We’re huge fans of The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon so we were thrilled when we heard it was being made into a movie. Sherin and Sam got to see The Sun is Also a Star at a special preview screening in Toronto—hear their spoiler-free preview and learn more about the story. Catch The Sun is Also a Star in theaters on Friday!

Q&A with Yara Shahidi & Charles Melton
After the screening, the film’s lovely stars Yara Shahidi and Charles Melton held a Q&A hosted by TV personality Melissa Grelo. They talked all about the movie, their chemistry, and what it was like adapting such a beloved story. The audience got to ask some questions too! Prepare to swoon and applaud (and try not to get too jealous of the new couple #Cham).

More YA to Add to Your List
Once you’re done watching (and then re-reading) The Sun is Also a Star, we know you’ll be itching for some more YA to fill your heart (and reading list). We’ve got you—catch our resident YA Rioter Sam spilling all the latest novels you need to read next (and see the list below):


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Tune in to Geek Girl Riot on idobi Radio every Tuesday at 11pm ET / 8pm PT for your dose of late-night geekery from our team of rioters. Til next time, see a list of everything our Rioters talked about below:


The Sun is Also a Star Nicola Yoon
Everything, Everything – Nicola Yoon
Single ParentsJake Choi
Younger – Jake Choi
Somewhere Only We KnowMaurene Goo
Roman Holiday
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Star Trek: Discovery
The Beauty of the MomentTanaz Bhathena
Once Upon a Time MachineAndrew Carl
Bunner’s Bakeshop, Toronto
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
Wicked FoxKat Cho
The Princess and the FangirlAshley Poston
Geekerella – Ashley Poston


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