Geek Girl Riot

Sixty-Second Secret, Hawaii, Jurassic Park

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Kualoa Ranch on the island of O’ahu, Hawaii

We’re gonna take a wild guess—you’re probably reading this from your office or on your couch after a long day at said office, dreaming of taking off to somewhere sunny thousands of miles away. Us too. But a few weeks back Geek Girl Riot’s Day Al-Mohamed took a trip to Hawaii to live out all our dreams. Yeah, we know. Jealous, much? As you wait for that longing *sigh* to fade from your lips, listen as Day lets you in on a tasty little sixty-second secret about Kualoa Ranch on the island of O’ahu—and no, it’s not that every single person listening wishes they were there (that wouldn’t exactly be a secret, now would it?). What do movies and shows like Jurassic Park and Lost—and also an exciting upcoming release—have in common with this tropical nirvana? Hold onto your butts, hit play, and find out.

We’re still waiting on a postcard, but for now check out some pictures of Day meeting a real life dinosaur while on her trip. True story. We reached out to the dino in question for a comment on their time together, but unfortunately he ate our microphone. Until next time, fellow Geek Girls, Aloha!

Day and Renee’s famous last words: “That doesn’t look very scary. More like a six-foot turkey.”
Uncovered bones from the set of Titan

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