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Say Goodbye to Google Play Music, Back Up Your Library by December

If you’re still using Google Play Music, you only have a few months to back up your library. Like Google+ before it, the tech giant has announced that the streaming service has seen the last of its days in the app store. As of December, Google will migrate the app to its newer streaming service YouTube Music. By late August, you’ll no longer be able to buy new music on the app. Fast forward to October and Google Play Music won’t work at all—but they’re giving you until December to move your tunes. When you transfer your collection, it’ll be… Read more »


Yellowcard vs. Juice WRLD Update

There’s a new update on the ongoing battle between Yellowcard and Juice WRLD’s estate. Last October Yellowcard filed a lawsuit against Juice WRLD, née Jared Higgins, stating that the rapper stole parts of their song “Holly Wood Died” when making “Lucid Dreams”. The lawsuit came to a pause when Higgins unfortunately passed away in December. Since then, the band has gone back and forth on pausing and proceeding with the case. Issues like waiting for a representative to be named as the head of Higgins’ estate and the COVID-19 shutdowns have kept them from moving forward. However, at the beginning… Read more »


Yellowcard vs. Juice Wrld Lawsuit Picks Back Up

Back in October of 2019, Yellowcard filed a lawsuit against Juice WRLD due to similarities between their song “Holly Wood Died” and his hit single “Lucid Dreams”. However, Juice WRLD (née Jarad Higgins) sadly died in December 2019 after a seizure caused by an accidental overdose of painkillers. This obviously put a pause to the lawsuit.  According to court documents obtained by XXL, in February Yellowcard could not proceed until someone was named the head of Higgins’ estate and the whole ordeal had been left in limbo.  However Juice WRLD’s mother, Carmela Wallace, has been deemed the executive head of… Read more »


Coachella and Stagecoach Cancelled for 2020

Well, the decision has finally been made. Coachella and Stagecoach have been cancelled for 2020. The governor of California issued a 4 phase process to reopen the state and lift the stay at home orders that have been in effect since March. Music festivals fall under the 4th phase, which will not be implemented until a vaccine is found for COVID-19. According to the Government of California’s website, the first phase of reopening the state involved making sure essential workers—like nurses and grocery store clerks—were able to work safely. Everyone else was encouraged to stay home and many businesses stayed… Read more »

Basslines and Protest Signs

Basslines and Protest Signs Part 46: The Worst of Times

I think it’s safe to say, “Holy shit!” In the two weeks since the last of these columns, our lives have changed beyond recognition, perhaps for the foreseeable future. Things that we took for granted, like going to the store, now take careful planning. Going to a concert, bar, or club is cancelled, for very real reasons. People are getting sick, people are dying. For Christ’s sake, stay in your homes. Wash your hands. Clean everything. Stay away from other people. Let’s try to make this thing go away as quickly as possible. Don’t be one of those idiots on… Read more »

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