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Rey Hernandez – The Dr Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation

Rey Hernandez from the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation joins us FREE was formally incorporated as a not for profit academic research institute on July 15, 2015 by various retired Ph.D. Physicists, Ph.D. Scientists, Ph.D. Psychologists, Ph.D. Neuroscientists and lay researchers.  FREE is a focused on researching “WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS” by undertaking cross comparative research on individuals that are having various types of “Contact with Non-Human Intelligence”. FREE’s Mission will focus on “Research, Education and Support” but we primarily focus on scientific investigation, through surveys and interviews, on individuals who have had UFO related contact experiences with non-human intelligent beings… Read more »


Gone Fishkin: With Confidence Interview

With Confidence stopped by the studio to talk with Fish about their upcoming show at Chain Reaction for Hope For The Day Monday March 19th, a “cake” they’re baking and more! Check it out here


Graham Nicholls

BLACKOUT welcomes one of the leading researchers into the field of out of body experience and near death experiences, Graham Nicholls.


Music produces a natural high

Music triggers the same pleasure-reward system in the brain as food, sex and illicit drugs, according to McGill University researchers who have been peering into minds of music lovers.


NIH-Led scientists find antibodies for most HIV strains

Scientists have discovered two potent human antibodies that can stop more than 90 percent of known global HIV strains from infecting human cells in the laboratory, and have demonstrated how one of these disease-fighting proteins accomplishes this feat. According to the scientists, these antibodies could be used to design improved HIV vaccines, or could be further developed to prevent or treat HIV infection. Moreover, the method used to find these antibodies could be applied to isolate therapeutic antibodies for other infectious diseases as well.


U.S. cellphone users reportedly paying $3 per minute

The average cellphone customer pays more than $3 per minute, according to a report being issued this week by the  Utility Consumers’ Action Network, a San Diego consumer advocacy group. Researchers arrived at the average $3.02-per-minute charge by comparing the average number of minutes charged in more than 700 San Diego consumers’ telecom bills and dividing by the average number of actual minutes used. “We knew it was a myth that wireless costs were going down,” said Michael Shames, UCAN’s executive director. “But we were blown away by the actual costs.” That $3-per-minute figure is skewed by the relatively small… Read more »


iTunes holds 12.6% of U.S. music market

Digital music sales continue fast growth in the U.S., accounting for 18 percent of the music market there this year, and set to climb to 41 percent of total sales across the next five years, Forrester Research reports. The report predicts 55 percent of U.S. online consumers will pay to download music in 2013. Despite this strong growth, labels must get used to a smaller value music market, say the analysts, overall the U.S. music market will shrink from its current level of $10.2 billion to $9.8 billion in the next five years. Forrester also found 64 percent of subscribers… Read more »

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