Trekkies rejoice! More info has come out about the new CBS All Access show Star Trek: Picard. Michael Chabon, bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, has been named showrunner. Chabon is a life-long fan of the show which, combined with his outstanding skill, makes him a perfect fit. “‘Star Trek’ has been an important part of my way of thinking about the world, the future, human nature, storytelling and myself since I was ten years old,” said Michael Chabon. “I come to work every day in a state of joy and awe at having been entrusted with the character and the world of Jean-Luc Picard, with this vibrant strand of the rich, intricate and complex tapestry that is ‘Trek.’” Excitement is building as more information about the show, due to grace our screens by the end of 2019, reaches the trek-loving public.