Today we’re seeing Lisa lookin’ like Kamala, Bernie chuckle, Kpop takeovers, AOC shout, Roe v Wade being protected, a sad Joe Exotic, and we’re missing a legend.
K-Pop to the Rescue Yet Again
#ImpeachBidenNow Gotcha Bitch! Take a moment to take in all this beauty ???? pic.twitter.com/bAGQYftN8D
— Haileigh (@hobissweetness) January 22, 2021
If you’ve been on Twitter this morning, you probably saw that #ImpeachBidenNow is trending. And if that, understandably, caused too much anxiety for you to go down that rabbit hole we’re here to tell you, it’s alright baby. Because yet again, K-pop fans are banding together to silence this type of hate and ignorance by taking over the conversation. What you’ll find under the ridiculous hashtag is a barrage of K-pop fans flooding it with some real wholesome content. This community has earned quite the reputation for their brand of activism, taking down previous racist hashtags like “#WhiteLivesMatter”, “#WhiteOutWednesday”, and “BlueLivesMatter” in 2020. So say it with us, Thank you, K-Pop Twitter! We love you!
Turns Out Joe Exotic Didn’t Need that Limo Afterall
I was too innocent and too GAY to deserve a Pardon from Trump. I only mattered to Don Jr. when he needed to make a comment about me to boost his social media post. Boy were we all stupid to believe he actually stood for Equal Justice? His corrupt friends all come first. pic.twitter.com/ysGfwnqlHi
— Joe Exotic (@joe_exotic) January 20, 2021
While Trump was handing out pardons left and right last week, one fan was convinced he was on the list. Tiger King’sJoe Exotic was convinced the former president would pardon him. As a reminder, Joe “Exotic” Maldonado-Passage was convicted last year for animal cruelty and attempting to hire a hitman to kill Carole Baskin. On Monday Eric Love, head of Exotic’s legal team, told Metro they were so confident in the pending pardon that they booked a limo to pick him up. While this would have been bad for cats but great for TV, 45 didn’t end up pardoning him after all. The reason? Exotic believes he is “too innocent and too gay,” saying in a tweet, “I only mattered to Don Jr. when he needed to make a comment about me to boost his social media post. Boy were we all stupid to believe he actually stood for Equal Justice? His corrupt friends all come first.”
If you’ve been on Twitter this morning, you probably saw that #ImpeachBidenNow is trending. And if that, understandably, caused too much anxiety for you to go down that rabbit hole we’re here to tell you, it’s alright baby. Because yet again, K-pop fans are banding together to silence this type of hate and ignorance by taking over the conversation. What you’ll find under the ridiculous hashtag is a barrage of K-pop fans flooding it with some real wholesome content. This community has earned quite the reputation for their brand of activism, taking down previous racist hashtags like “#WhiteLivesMatter”, “#WhiteOutWednesday”, and “BlueLivesMatter” in 2020. So say it with us, Thank you, K-Pop Twitter! We love you!
Bernie Reacts to His Latest Meme

While Wednesday’s inauguration was a historic day of firsts, arguably one of the best things to come out of the event was the now inescapable memes of Bernie Sanders. The internet instantly meme-ified the now famous photo of Sanders bundled up with the cutest mittens at the inauguration, and photoshopped him into all types of hilarious situations. Last night, the progressive meme star talked to Seth Meyers about it. When initially asked if he was aware that the photo had gone viral, Sanders wryly said, “Not at all. I was just sitting there, trying to keep warm, trying to pay attention to what was going on.” The two chuckled and laughed a bit before he admitted that of course he had seen them. Bernie then quickly turned the conversation to shout out the woman who made the mittens, referring to her as a “school teacher, and a very nice person” who is “somewhat overwhelmed by the kind of attention that is being shown to her mittens.” Bernie has shown, yet again, that he is able to not only laugh at himself, but also is always ready to give credit where credit is due.
AOC and Other Leaders Takes to the Streets
with New York City Market Workers

This week, prominent democratic leaders have joined the workers of New York’s Hunt Street Market in striking over a $1/hour raise. The market has seen six of its employees die from COVID-19 and hundreds more contracting the virus. The strike highlights just how essential workers have been treated during this pandemic. They put their lives on the line day in and day out and they rightfully deserve to be paid fairly, if not very generously. Politicians joining the workers include Andrew Yang, Representative Ritchie Torres, and our shero, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Megaphone in hand, AOC declared, “There’s a lot of things upside down right now in our economy. One of those things that are upside down is the fact that a person who is helping get the food to your table cannot feed their own kid.”
We agree! Can we please pay essential workers enough money to survive while they risk their lives for us every day?
48th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Today is the 48th anniversary of the historic ruling of Roe v. Wade and the Biden administration is celebrating by releasing a statement declaring they are “deeply committed to making sure everyone has access to care — including reproductive health care — regardless of income, race, zip code, health insurance status, or immigration status.“ This includes strengthening the ruling of the case and appointing judges who are aligned with its principles. After four years of uncertainty and anxiety about laws for women’s bodily autonomy, we are relieved to be able to exhale, knowing someone in power’s got our backs.
Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron Dies at Age 86

Baseball team the Atlanta Braves, announced this morning that one of their most prolific athletes is sadly no longer with us. Hank Aaron, best known for being the home-run king, passed last night in his sleep. No cause of death has been given. Aaron broke the world record in 1974 when he hit his 715th home run, a feat that wouldn’t be beat for over 30 years. Totaling 755 home runs, his career left such an impact on the sport, then President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He was an influence all the way until the end. He was last seen just 2 ½ weeks ago when he received the COVID-19 vaccination. Recognizing the dark history between the Black community and vaccines, Aaron wanted to inspire others to follow his example. He told the Associated Press, “I don’t have any qualms about it at all, you know. I feel quite proud of myself for doing something like this. …It’s just a small thing that can help zillions of people in this country.” Thank you, Hank Aaron, rest in power.
Did the Simpsons Predict Kamala Too??

At this point, one of the things The Simpsons is best known for is their eerie ability to seemingly predict the future and it seems as though they may have done it again. In a 2000 episode titled “Bart to the Future” not only did they predict that Trump would be president, it seems as though they also predictedKamala Harris’ inaugural outfit. In this episode, Lisa becomes the president right after Trump, wears a purple suit with pearls, and says, “As you know, we’ve inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump.” So once again we’re left wondering, is Matt Groening a time traveller from the year 2100?