It’s time to update your reading list: Becoming an Exceptional Leader is now available for pre-order—you’ll be able to get it for FREE on August 5th! Through stories from fourteen incredible disability change-makers—including Geek Girl Riot host Erin Hawley—this book will provide you with the tools and inspiration you need to help you create and grow a disability-focused business. How awesome is that?
United by author, speaker, entrepreneur, and disability community advocate Mai Ling Chan, Becoming an Exceptional Leader aims to help you help others and do better. She says: “We all need to hear how other people got started, what they’ve learned, what they would do better, and what keeps them going.” Join us in cheering for all these authors while you take the next step in creating & advocating for businesses supporting the special needs and disability community:
Sign up to be notified when Becoming an Exceptional Leader drops on August 5th!