Over the last several years that Waterparks has reigned kings-of-the-scene, lead singer Awsten Knight has had an array of hair colors. We thought it would be funny to rank his looks or at least the most prominent ones. You know, the ones that had the internet going absolutely nuts. We left out a few of his in-between colors, like the cotton candy moment, when he was platinum blond for a bit, and the blue to teal to turquoise fade. (Don’t worry, blue overall did make the list). And before the Parxies come after us, just know this is all in good fun! Obviously, Awsten looks great with all hair colors. Honestly, he could probably be bald and still look like a rock star.
Without further ado, let’s start a riot with our ranking:
7. Multi Color (Greatest Hits)

Coming in at number 7 is the multi-colored look from the Greatest Hits era. This was interesting because we are so used to seeing Awsten with a solid color. The vibe is cool, but there is just something about the all-over color that really shines on his head. We will say, though, it was cool to see him explore this look with the hearts and cheetah print dyed into the back. Solid.
6. Pink (Black Light)

At number six, we have pink hair. Look at baby Awsten! This was around the time Black Light had come out, and Waterparks was still somewhat of an underground band making strides in Houston, TX. This was so long ago it’s almost strange to recall, and if you’re a new fan, you might have missed this moment. If only pink-haired Awsten knew what red-haired Awsten would be up to.
5. Brown (Lowkey As Hell)

Awsten only had brown hair for what felt like two seconds, but we had to include it in the list because it was so shocking. We rarely see Awsten with a natural color, if ever. We now know he was probably giving his hair a break between the green and multi-color, but this look shook the parxies to their core.
4. Blue (Cluster / Double Dare)

Most die-hard Waterparks fans were introduced to Awsten when he had blue hair. There is something adorably nostalgic about the blue. Waterparks had just signed their first record deal, put out their first EP Cluster and were about to take over the world. He continued to rock this look through the release of their debut full-length studio album Double Dare (we are counting Airplane Conversations and Black Light as EPs here), and we are so grateful.

Remember when we got a teaser of the red hair for a second in the “delete friendly reminder” chaos!? WILD. We are thrilled the red made a comeback for INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Check back with us in a few years, and the red might be Number One, honestly. The only reason it isn’t Number One right now is because it still feels so new. Does that make sense? What an excellent look, though.
2. Green (Fandom)

Good grief, the green. It just had to be number two on our list. What a cultural reset for the alternative music scene. It feels like there was a few months there when you couldn’t open Twitter or Instagram without seeing Awsten Knight and his green hair. IT. WAS. EVERYWHERE. If we aren’t mistaken, this was also the birth of the wigs as merch on tour. Not only was Awsten green, but so was half the crowd at almost every single one of Waterparks’ shows. Truly iconic.
1. Purple (Entertainment)

At number one, without question, is the purple. Why? Because this was the first time fans noticed that Awsten would be changing his hair color to match the era of each album release. Entertainment is arguably the album that shot Waterparks to the top. It was brilliant. Awsten also teamed up with Manic Panic to create his very own line of purple hair dye. It was called “Knight Bright Purple”. What a legend.