MANIC MONDAY – February 9, 2015

Poltergeist Is Getting a Reboot And We’re All Going To Die

The worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life, Poltergeist, was SCARY ENOUGH the first time. 635585847198986173-POLTERGEISTBIGHNADS It is a big part of why I can’t watch scary movies without being in actual fear of peeing myself. (Also, there is no “cute date” option for me that will help me get over this. Ever.) The reboot of Poltergeist will incorporate modern technology, only adding to the freakiness and torment it will undoubtedly put you through. The movie is set to be released July 24th in 3D screens across America. According to USA Today, director Gil Kenan was completely confident in the film’s capabilities to terrify innocent human beings like myself. “The film is super-scary. And it’s scary on its own terms. I am excited to finally be able to share that with the world.” For those brave enough to see it, you will be crying and wishing to never see a television, computer, or phone screen again. If you can, brave the trailer. I certainly won’t.

Paramore Won A Grammy… And Trapt Is Butthurt About It

Last night Paramore achieved one of the greatest honors of a rock band’s career: winning a Grammy for Best Rock Song. They took home the award for the single “Ain’t It Fun” off their paramore-2014fourth studio album PARAMORE. Hayley Williams also became the first woman since 1999 and the third lead woman to carry the honor, joining the likes of Alanis Morrisette and Tracy Chapman. Not all rock bands were ecstatic about the decision, though. Trapt did not feel it was a huge feat for rock’n’roll, and that Paramore wasn’t “in your face” enough to be a rock band. Apparently, Paramore isn’t headstrong like they are. It is a sad day when bands need to voice opinions that seemed to be more based in jealousy than fact to get attention. But then again, Trapt will take on anyone. For Paramore–who are living in the real world–unfortunately rock is not where you belong in Trapt’s minds. Despite the drama, Hayley–in true classy rockstar fashion–sent out a graceful and lovely series of tweets about how happy she is to have won, and how honored she is to have such great support. Congratulations Paramore; you deserved this one.

Loss of Legend Monty Oum

In sadder news, if you’re a bit of an anime watcher/online gamer nerd like me, you’ll have heard the legendary Monty Oum has passed away. tumblr_inline_mr9wvbWPNP1qz4rgp Over the past two years he created my favorite anime/animated web series ever, RWBY–somehow it went super Saiyan 5 on me and way surpassed my Dragon Ball Z love. Monty himself was a staple in the web-based animation scene working with Rooster Teeth on both RWBY and Red vs. Blue. Oum passed away following a routine surgery and falling into a coma due to an allergic reaction. He lost his life way too soon at 33. He is survived by his wife, Sheena Duquette Oum, and his family. Rooster Teeth plans to carry on Monty’s legacy and creativity by expanding on his two original series. Matt Hullum, current CEO of Rooster Teeth, posted a very moving message on the website on how to celebrate Monty’s life. “As for honoring Monty, we will do that in our own way. In lieu of flowers or gifts, we ask that you simply do something creative. Use your imagination to make the world a better place in any way that you can. If you know Monty like we do, then you know he would certainly be doing that if he were able to.” You can watch a video tribute to him below.

Twitter’s CEO Had An Epiphany About Cyberbullying

Twitter brought about some better news this week when they addressed their slow response to cyberbullies. As we already know, cyberbullies don’t have a place online, and it would be nice to see people kicked off the site for being overly stupid and unnecessarily rude. CEO Dick Costolo is finally addressing the issue. According to The Verge, in response to an internal discussion about cyberbullying issues, Costolo fervently spoke about his desire to change the way Twitter deals with these people. “We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we’ve sucked at it for years. It’s no secret and the rest of the world talks about it every day. We lose core user after core user by not addressing simple trolling issues that they face every day.” I hope the threat will scare the people who think it’s appropriate to attack others from behind a computer screen. I am all for expelling those kinds of people from our sacred and holy online community, and I think Costolo agrees. “…We’re going to start kicking these people off right and left and making sure that when they issue their ridiculous attacks, nobody hears them. Everybody on the leadership team knows this is vital.” I would hope so.

What’s On My Mind This Week

While this week’s Warped reveal held some scene staples like Black Veil Brides and Juliet Simms, it still added to the few artists that are questionable at best. And surprisingly, no, I’m not talking about Riff Raff. My confusion and concern is more along the lines of comedic dance pop duo Koo Koo Kanga Roo, and the addition of Metro Station. warped_tour_2015_2While I love me some “Shake It” and totally can get behind the whole “getting back together” concept… Warped is a sacred place and I do not need to be reminded of some interesting times in my life. All repressed embarrassing memories aside, I am a full supporter of musical genres getting along, touring together, and bringing people everywhere together in one big happy mosh pit. So if you’re one of those people whose stance is: unless some of these bands are kicked off the tour you won’t be attending then I don’t want you there. That just leaves more room for open-minded, genuine music-loving people to chill and have a good time.

It’s been a week of major ups and downs, but we want to know what drove you to not be able to control your own bladder–like me in scary movies! Do you think you’re “Headstrong” enough to take on Trapt?! (I am so sorry.) Are you excited for the Twitter changes? Can you get down with the craziness that is this year’s Warped Tour lineup?! Let us know, and be sure to check back next week for anything crazy you might have missed!

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