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Geek Girl Riot

60s-Secret – Abigail and Fear the Walking Dead

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AMC's Fear The Walking Dead.
AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead.

Whenever we plan what we’d do in the case of a zombie apocalypse (it could happen, people!), taking to the ocean always seems like a mighty fine idea. Zombies can’t swim, right? Uhh, sorry folks—Fear The Walking Dead has removed any hope you ever had about escaping those flesh-eating nightmares, and Geek Girl Riot’s Day Al-Mohamed is here to take you behind the scenes. While you start thinking up a new survival/escape plan, check out Day’s latest 60-second secret on how FTWD managed to film zombies on the high seas.


Hi, this is Day with this week’s 60 Second Secret for Geek Girl Riot.

On “Fear the Walking Dead”, our prequel to the runaway AMC hit “The Walking Dead,” our heroes, and villains, and victims, oh hell just everyone is on a boat, a yacht called the Abigail. I always thought, hey if there are zombies everywhere surely they can’t get you if you’re out on the water, right? Yeah…my dreams have been ruined by Fear the Walking Dead Season 2.  Although Fear the Floating Dead though doesn’t quite have the same ring.

However, I will say the filming and set are amazing. If you’re wondering how filming on the high seas is…well, it HAS been done before. Baja Studios has a 51 acre-set right on the ocean with open water tanks, a pool with greenscreens, even a tank for underwater photography. And they were the same studio and this is the same set used for James Cameron’s Titanic.

Somehow, in my mind, I don’t think Jack nibbling on Rose’s neck looks quite the same anymore. Eeugh.

And that’s it for Geek Girl Riot’s 60 Second Secret.


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