Photos: Andrew McMahon in New York City
Andrew McMahon is out on his first tour since officially going solo, and idobi photographer Tanya Gelman caught his set opening for fun. at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.
Andrew McMahon is out on his first tour since officially going solo, and idobi photographer Tanya Gelman caught his set opening for fun. at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.
Andrew McMahon has announced his first full tour since retiring the Jack’s Mannequin monicker. Click “read more” to see the full dates!
There have been approximately 400 hours of Josh’s life logged into First Person, so he’s only 600 away from becoming a master. Of course, he’s already pretty damn good at bringing us new music like the songs from Friend, Emil & Friends, and Metric on this week’s playlist.
Christofer Drew of Never Shout Never talked with The Gunz Show about the band’s next album, Indigo, and a number of recent incidents in his personal life, and how he has remained positive and been humbled in spite of them. Drew opened up about his arrest last week, saying that he now has two felonies and may not be able to tour outside of the US for a while. I was totally humbled by this last week. It was just really intense. I got arrested and I might not be able to go overseas for a very long time, and… Read more »
My buddy Christofer Drew calls into The Gunz Show and talks about tour life, the government, his rave parties, and also announces that they will be releasing a full length in the fall and also doing a headlining tour. “I’ve been writing a lot of really freaking “good feel” kind of stuff – I’m kind of over the ‘dark’ kind of vibe I was going for for a while. I just felt like I needed to be dark for a bit to show people another side of myself, but I’m back to that feel-good shit because that’s who I… Read more »
We are very excited to be bringing you an exclusive on-air first listen of Driver Friendly’s brand new album, Bury A Dream, on April 20th at 8PM ET. The band has also recorded a track-by-track commentary for us, which will be aired alongside the album. Bury A Dream comes out on all music retailers on April 24th.
Listen to Rock The Walls with Patrick Walford tonight from 8-10pmEST featuring interviews with Suicide Silence (8:30), Mychildren Mybride (9:30), and Take Me To The Pilot. In addition to interviews there will be talk about Raleighpalooza, The All Stars Tour, Warped Tour, and much more!
Tonight on Bitch Slap Radio its the Zac, and Drew show! No we didnt fire everyone! There all just out of town…. Johns in Tennessee, Chelse is hanging with Steve-O, James is in Orlando pretending to be harry potter….. Yea we know.. So tonight on the show its Zac, and Drew from the DrewHEadz bring to you an hour and half of some crazy topics, conversations, and anything and everything that will get under your skin, and crawl around. Make sure to tune in tonight at 10:30 pm Est on idobi radio! Fallow us on Twitter @BitchSlapRadio @Drewheadz and find… Read more »