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When will subscription music pay off for artists?

At L.A.’s  Digital Music Forum last week, Anu Kirk, a product lead at digital music service MOG, shared some bad news for musicians adapting to the current state of the music industry: “It sucks,” he said. “It sucks that right now that artists are getting paid so little money by subscription services, but it sucks that artists are getting paid so little money by everyone.” Tell the artists something they don’t know. The music industry has long been in decline, and even as a proliferation of new subscription music services have hit the market–Spotify, Rhapsody, Rdio, to name a few–it… Read more »


5 dead in Indiana State Fair stage collapse

The death toll has risen to five in the stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair in which 45 people were also injured.

The main stage collapsed on a crowd waiting for a Sugarland performance Saturday night at the Indianapolis fair after being blasted by winds as strong as 60 to 70 mph, according to the National Weather Service.


Interview: Pemanent Ability

Last week, idobi contributor Ashley Holman had the opportunity to speak with three of the four members of Permanent Ability, a funk- rock band based in Los Angeles, California. Their latest EP, Bring It On!, debuted in 2010 and secured them the title “best band of the week” from rockitoutblog.com.


Q&A: You, Me and Everyone We Know

On Thursday, Jamie McGrath sat down with Ben Leibsch of You, Me and Everyone We Know after their set on the second to last day on the “Would It Kill You?” tour with Hellgoodbye, Gold Motel and Now, Now Every Children.


Music produces a natural high

Music triggers the same pleasure-reward system in the brain as food, sex and illicit drugs, according to McGill University researchers who have been peering into minds of music lovers.

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