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Sevendust On 'Animosity' And Terror War

Sevendust’s third album, Animosity, is set for release on Tuesday (November 13). The album was in the works long before the September 11 terrorist attacks and the subsequent war on terrorism. Sevendust drummer Morgan Rose revealed about the album title, in an interview conduced shortly after the band visited ground zero, in the neighborhood of New York City that was once home to the World Trade Center. “It’s very, very unfortunately coincidental,” he said. “Obviously that title was made months before any of this stuff happened. I have tons of animosity for those that did that. Tons. We dropped a… Read more »


Fatboy Slim Dominate MTV Video Awards

Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice” shot up the competition by bringing home six “Moon Man” trophies – including breakthrough video and best direction – Thursday night during the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards at the Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center. But “Weapon of Choice,” directed by Spike Jonze and featuring Christopher Walken dancing up a hotel’s walls, was shut out of the prestigious video of the year prize, which went to Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya and Pink for “Lady Marmalade.” Last year’s big winners ‘N Sync walked away with four trophies for “Pop,” including the coveted Viewer’s Choice… Read more »


As Napster Undergoes Overhaul, Users Seek Music Elsewhere

Alternatives to Napster – file-sharing software like BearShare, Mactella and other Gnutella clones, as well as services like Aimster and OpenNap – are nothing new. But with Napster under court order to screen out copyrighted music, the service’s millions of users finally have a reason to seek out new places to get MP3s. And with the introduction of BearShare and other new, easy-to-use clones, the decentralized Gnutella network – long considered the most viable alternative to Napster – may be finally ready for its moment in the spotlight. Napster’s legal vulnerability stems in large part from the way the service… Read more »

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