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Pop Goes The Emo On Jimmy Eat World's Bleed American

You might think that after parting ways with a major label, Jimmy Eat World would take the opportunity to further indulge in the thoughtful experimentation that marked 1999’s Clarity, their second and final release on Capitol. After all, no label means no more A&R guys frowning at songs like Clarity’s 16-minute-plus “Goodbye Sky Harbor,” with its drum-loop buildup and crescendo of overlapping, programmed vocals. But left to their own devices, Mesa, Arizona’s favorite sons made their most straight-up pop record to date – Bleed American, which hit stores Tuesday. “Things still got pretty gnarly in the studio as far as… Read more »


Green Day Having The Time Of Its Life

Try as they might to display a more mature side as songwriters and lyricists, the members of Green Day – a third, fourth or maybe even fifth-generation punk band – are still working the same schtick that powered them to rock supremacy in the mid-1990s. It’s snotty and obnoxious, a blur of three- and four-chord rockers strung together in a manner that puts exclamation points after every barre chord and chorus. But when it’s working, Green Day is far and away the head of the class. Green Day delivered an involving, career-spanning show that included five tunes from the new… Read more »


New Study Explores Popularity Of Downloads

The number of people downloading songs from the Internet on any given day has reached more than six million, according to a Pew Internet and American Life Project study. In the six months from August 2000 to February 2001, the average daily number of Internet users downloading music nearly doubled, despite the fact that Napster has recently been hamstrung by the RIAA and the courts in its efforts to openly share copyrighted materials. The study suggests that publicity surrounding the Napster case has contributed to the swelling numbers. Pew surveys showed that Napster users stored an average of about 100… Read more »

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