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Tuesday Ten: Rides & Riots

While it does boast one of the most impressive festival lineups of the year, Riot Fest isn’t just about the music — it’s also home to the most punk rock carnival around. And as we prepare ourselves for the wild ride of this year’s fest, we asked ourselves a question that few have dared to ask before: what if the artists playing this year’s Riot Fest were carnival attractions?


Tuesday Ten: Our Favorite B-Sides

The days may be long gone of rushing to the local record store, money in hand, to grab the latest radio hit’s 45rpm single, but the excitement of flipping that record over and discovering the non-album track that lay on the other side will never wear off. In this week’s Tuesday Ten, we’re exploring some of our writers’ favorite b-sides.


Tuesday Ten: Coolest Song Endings

It’s easy to close a song by repeating the chorus or slowly fading the music out, but every once in a while a song comes along whose ending takes you somewhere completely unexpected.


Tuesday Ten: We Take Selfies Too

People were taking pictures at shows for years before someone at Oxford decided it’d be a good idea to add the word “selfie” to the dictionary, but the advent of the smartphone has made it more popular than ever. Even our writers have a few show selfies tucked away on their hard drives, and we’re sharing some of our favorites with you in this week’s Tuesday Ten.


idobi Writers Rock AP Awards Voting

You know when Oscars season hits and suddenly it’s the only thing anyone can talk about? That’s how we feel about the first Gibson Brands Alternative Press Music Awards – Fueled by Monster Energy Drink. With less than two weeks left until the awards show makes its July 21st debut, at Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we’ve all been picking our favorites and placing our bets—which is exactly what this show is all about.


The Parent Swap Pt. 2

Yeah, we get it — hating everything your parents love is a rite of passage growing up. But every once in a while, you have to admit when they’ve gotten it right.


The Parent Swap Pt. 1

It’s a struggle most of us have experienced with our families, at least to some degree — the parents think the kids’ music is unlistenable garbage, and the kids think their parents’ music was recorded by the first dinosaurs to ever hold guitars. But when you find those rare few bands that occupy the middle ground between everyone’s tastes, it’s a special moment that brings the family together way better than getting a pet fish ever could.


Tuesday Ten: “What Just Happened?!” Music Videos

Music videos are an interesting art form — they can be beautiful interpretations that reveal the inner meanings of the music, or they can make so little sense that they leave your brain feeling like scrambled eggs. We pay tribute to some of the biggest culprits in the latter category in this week’s Tuesday Ten.


The idobi All-Star Warped Tour Rookie Squad

Step right up, because it’s time to call the rookies up from the bench for Warped season. In this week’s Tuesday Ten, we’ve put together an idobi All-Star Rookie Squad of artists you absolutely cannot miss as they make their first official appearances on Warped Tour this summer.

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