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Radiohead Plans Extensive Amnesiac Tours

The release of Amnesiac on June 5 will bring to a conclusion Radiohead’s three-year saga of what to do after OK Computer. And after going in markedly different directions with Amnesiac and last fall’s Kid A, bassist Colin Greenwood says he expects the group to drift back toward something resembling a standard operating procedure. “We’ve talked about doing a guitar album next,” Greenwood reports. “The reason we did these two records is to show that anything is possible rather than everything is expected; the last thing we wanted to do was go into the studio and make another version of… Read more »


Diffuser Makes Full Album Available As A Free Download

Hollywood Records is offering the entire Diffuser album, “Injury Loves Melody,” as a free download in three formats: MP3, Windows Media and Liquid Audio. This marks the first time a major label has offered a full album download in all three formats. “Injury Loves Melody” will be available in its entirety for the whole month of May. Fans can hear and download the album by visiting sites such as www.diffuseronline.com, www.windowsmedia.com, www.music.msn.com, www.liquid.com, www.launch.com, www.musicmatch.com and Rioport affiliate sites www.mtv.com and www.sonicnet.com. Transworld’s Twec.com has been chosen as the exclusive retail partner for the download. Fans who buy a copy… Read more »

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