*now playing*


Interview: Ryan Mendez of Yellowcard

After announcing the end of their “indefinite hiatus”, Yellowcard have been busy. Since the announcement, the pop-rock 5 quintet have released the critically praised When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes, been halfway across America with All Time Low and seem poised for even greater success as they prepare for a co-headlining run with Good Charlotte. Mike Skehan of idobi had a chance to chat with guitarist Ryan Mendez about getting back together, touring, the Detroit Red Wings and more.


There’s Light At the End of the (Lincoln) Tunnel!

The nerds are on the Beast Coast and ready for action! We went to a couple dispensaries on the east coast, caught up with old friends and smoked our way through the weekend and we can’t wait to tell you all about it! We start in NYC at The Travel Agency and then head over to Cookies Harrison, and our bounty is abundant. The NYC market is poppin’, and we are super stoked about it. The good news ends there though, because we have some Glasshouse and Off The Charts stories to go over, it can’t all be sunshine and medicated lollipops! But don’t panic! It’s organic!


The Cool Nerd Cool Show

The Nerds are back with lots of news and reviews! Tonight’s show is action packed, we start by talking about Sasha’s experience at the wonderful and gracious Glass House Farms!

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