“Why Women Kill”, a new dark comedy created by Marc Cherry, premieres on CBS All Access Thursday, August 15. The show will be available weekly on the direct-to-consumer digital subscription video-on-demand and live streaming service. Starring Lucy Liu, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Kirby Howell-Baptiste the show follows the fall out after infidelity taking place in the same house in 3 separate decades. Marc Cherry, known for his highly addictive shows “Desperate Housewives” and “Devious Maids”, is named as executive producer along with Marc Webb who also directed the series premiere and one additional episode. The trailer is both creepy and funny as a dark comedy should be as well as visually captivating as the house is highly stylized to define each distinct decade. CBS All Access is looking more and more like it will be worth the $5.99 ($9.99 commercial-free) subscription as “Why Women Kill” joins new shows like “Picard” and long-standing favorites like “The Big Bang Theory” and “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert”. “Why Women Kill” is a shoo-in for the “must-see series” list.