Everyone knows it can be tough to make money as a musician – but being in a band is way cooler than having money. It’s a lesson that Columbus, OH’s My Ticket Home learned quickly when they started out in 2008. Straight from the van as they cross America on tour with Abandon All Ships, the band shares a few reasons that they would all rather be broke musicians than have “real” jobs in this week’s Tuesday Ten.
- You get to see a lot of the world that you wouldn’t see at a 9 to 5. Touring has taken us to every state in mainland America and a little of Canada. You don’t get that at McDonalds.
- You are your own boss. No douchebags to take orders from. There are obviously rules to touring, but you can pretty much do whatever you want.
- You get to hang out with your best friends all day instead of weird and uninteresting co workers. Life isn’t fun when your friends suck.
- You can sleep in as long as you want, depending on when you play. Unless you have to drive – then you’re kind of screwed.
- No drug testing.
- You get to be at a show every day, and depending on the tour, you get to listen to good music all night.
- You get to meet a lot of cool ass people. Also a lot of weird ass people, which is actually better sometimes.
- Nothing beats rocking some faces off for 30 minutes every day. You won’t get that feeling anywhere else…especially not working at Kinkos.
- Girls girls girls.
- You have a chance at becoming rich and famous, which definitely beats real life. Unless you can settle for employee of the month. Tags: My Ticket Home