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Night Argent are Spreading Goodwill with Free Music, and Want You to Spread Some Holiday Cheer Too

It’s getting colder with each passing day, and closer to the season of goodwill—and Night Argent want you to spread a little cheer, and spare a thought for those who don’t necessarily have a home to go to this Christmas. Last year they released “Cold (Carol of the Bells)” to encourage fans to volunteer at local shelters or donate to those in need—and to spread awareness of those less fortunate, particularly the homeless during the coldest months. This time around, they’re giving away the song as a holiday gift to reaffirm their message.

“With temperatures dropping below freezing, its more important than ever to help those in need. Help us #FightTheCold by donating to your local shelters and by sharing this message with your friends and family! And as a thank you to everyone for their support, we’re giving away free downloads of “Cold” on our website!!”

Get “Cold (Carol of the Bells)” for free on their website, and remember to keep their message in mind—the band hope you’ll help those less fortunate than you this winter in any way you can, because isn’t that what the festive season is really all about?

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